Recently, quite a number of interested parties have dropped their emails into my inbox, asking me to help them vet. I receive each email with great enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoy the process of looking through each CV line by line, working through my thoughts to see how to make these CV's better. Thank you for sending your CV to me!

I'd also like to give these people a boost of hope and to tell you not to be discourage or give up if you feel that you haven't been getting the recruiter's or employer's call. There is, in fact, a common observation towards this particular period of the year. 

The end of the year isn't the best time to job hunt, and this trend is prevalent worldwide. Why is this so? For the very simple reason of employees hanging on to receive their end-of-year bonus, no matter how crappy they feel their job is and regardless of how badly they want to leave the company.

In my most recent employment, we receive our bonuses during Chinese New Year (traditional bosses at work here). So that means, depending on when Chinese New Year actually takes place, staff would either get their bonuses either in January or February every year. Now assuming one particular year's bonus handout is in February, the staff receives it and hands in his resignation letter 1 or 2 weeks later, by the time the position is vacant and ready for the new staff to take over, it'd be in March. And if we replicate this behaviour nation-wide, you'll realise the job market starts peaking during the Feb/Mar period. 

My message to you: hang in there! Things will start looking much better in a couple of months' time and remember, if you're not sure how to present your CV or write your cover letter, simply drop me an email! I'm always happy to help, anytime.

All the best!

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    Hi, I'm Tracy, a HR enthusiast for the past 6 years, always researching for ways to make CV's better in every way. Drop me an email!


    December 2012
    November 2012

